PTA Green Events Guide

(Wake County Edition)

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It's time to show our kids that we care about the condition of the planet we're leaving to them. Below are tips for making your PTA luncheon, snack break, meeting, event or reception a bit more environmentally sustainable.

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PLAN AHEAD - Meet Your Event Goals While Creating as Little Waste as Possible

  • Think through the logistics of your event all the way through to waste disposal and have that inform your purchases and event flow.

  • Communicate ahead of time that you intend to reduce waste and encourage attendees to bring a reusable tumbler, coffee cup, water bottle, etc.

  • Try to get a good estimate of attendees and buy just the food you need. This will help reduce food waste and expenses from over purchasing.

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FOOD - Solutions for Snacks, Treats and Meals

  • Choose products with the most sustainable packaging that can be recycled or composted like cardboard and aluminum. Avoid plastic if possible as it’s usually made from fossil fuels.

  • Buy organic and locally grown food options to support a more sustainable food system with your purchasing power.

  • Buy fruit and vegetables that don't come in plastic.

  • Bring your own grocery bags and produce bags on your shopping trip to avoid needing plastic bags.

  • Check your local store for bulk items like candy or  cookies and bring your own container to fill.

DRINKS - Beverage Packaging - Reduce Before Recycle

  • Many schools have water bottle filling stations and most students carry a reusable water bottle. Adding cases of plastic wrapped single-use plastic water bottles to your event isn't really necessary and creates a great deal of avoidable waste.

  • Provide drinks that are in recyclable packaging. Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and cardboard cases are preferable to any type of plastic packaging. Avoid juice boxes and pouches as they contain tiny straws and are not typically recyclable.

  • If you serve plastic drink containers, empty the remaining liquid and twist the cap back on for recycling.

  • Compostable cups can be used if drinks are poured from a single large container. Just be sure they're composted after your event.

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SERVICE ITEMS - Say Goodbye to Single Use Plastic


  • Consider the size of your event and see if you can provide reusable plates, cups or utensils or consider renting for larger events. Local rental pricing can be found at Capital Events.

  • Check with your school’s PTA supply closet to see if there are already reusable plates, trays, platters and serving utensils.

  • Invest in sturdy reusable or machine washable table cloths to avoid single-use plastic table covers.


  • Choose compostable disposable service items over single-use plastics. Try to avoid using Styrofoam as it is hard to recycle, blows into the natural environment easily and it breaks into tiny micro-plastics that harm wildlife.

  • Compostables are now readily available online or at many stores. They may cost more than regular plastic but they can be commercially composted into nutrient rich soil amendments. This is much better than putting plastics into the landfill.

  • Where to purchase compostable service items:

    • has a good selection of products that are compostable and if your school is set up as your Amazon Smile charitable recipient it’s just that much better.

    • Eco Products is a reputable organization that provides a wide variety of compostable products.

    • Good deals can also be found at Web Restaurant Store especially if you are looking for large quantities.

  • Be sure that compostable items get into a compost bin. Plant-based "plastics" can only truly break down in a commercial compost pile. They will not break down in a landfill.

  • If your school is already composting, ask if you can add PTA event waste to those collection carts. Small to medium bags of compostables can be taken to a Wake County Convenience Center that provides commercial composting collection. Contact Greenish Neighbor for help with making sure your event completes the composting cycle.

  • Avoid purchasing napkins that have metallic embellishments. Most other napkins are compostable. Consider providing cloth napkins that can be used over and over.

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DÉCOR - Natural or Reusable Decorations 

  • Invest in a fun base of decorations that can be used at numerous events and establish a storage location.

  • Ask other PTA committees or school representatives if you can borrow their decorations.

  • Avoid helium balloons particularly at outdoor events. Keep a supply of eco-friendly alternatives like colorful paper lanterns.

  • Rent party decor for a higher-quality look and feel for your event.

  • Accent your decor with natural elements that can be put back into nature or composted when the party's over.

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WASTE MANAGEMENT - Create a Sustainable System

  • Your first consideration should be to reduce the amount of stuff that is used once and thrown away. The next best solution is using compostable products. Final consideration should be recycling before using items that contribute to the landfill.

  • Most schools have recycling bins available on campus. Typical items used by PTAs that can be recycled are: cardboard boxes, plastic drink bottles, single-use water bottles, drink cans, chip board (like the boxes soda cans come in), large butter/cream cheese tubs (with a quick rinse and lids on).

  • Make a plan for items that are hard to recycle and cannot go in the school recycle bin. Have a designated bin available to collect these items. Here are some tips on where to take specific items:

    • Plastic grocery bags, bread/bun bags, plastic film (like the type that comes on paper towels and water bottle cases) - take to your grocery store plastic collection bins. (Tip - If it is stretchy when you try to rip it, it can go in the store bins.)

    • Plastics marked with the #5 on the bottom are recyclable at local Whole Foods stores.

    • Chip bags (single serving or family sized), protein bars, snack wrappers – take to your local Subaru Dealer. There is a teracycle bin in the lounge area.

    • Food Waste – take to the Wake County Convenience Center 4, 7, 8 or 10.

  • When providing items that can be recycled or composted, have bins visible with volunteers to help manage sorting.

  • Share your best practices with others about how you reduced waste at an event to help create a community wide shift in behavior.


We offer a variety of programs from a 30 minute talk about the 3Rs to a Planet Party that we can bring into the classroom to give kids a hands on experience with waste avoidance and reduction.